Fixing Our Kids By Judie Brown
Today's commentary advises us to take a step back and look at the next generation that we are attempting to raise. Do we see a generation of young people concerned about their health, about academic success, about future families, about morality? Or do we see these same children living in the here and now, and only for their own selfish needs? And how do we go about fixing this devastating societal problem? Judie Brown offers words of encouragement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
More U.S. women are taking the "morning-after" pill, but generally just once, according to the government's first report on how the emergency contraception drug has been used since regulators eased access to it in 2006. About 11 percent of sexually active women, or 5.8 million, used the pill between 2006 and 2010, compared to about 4 percent in 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in its report released on Thursday. Among those who used the pill during those four years, 59 percent said they took it just once, while 24 percent said they used it twice, the report said. Seventeen percent said they used it three times or more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wonder how to dampen any lover's enthusiasm on Valentine's Day? Talk about sexually transmitted diseases. That, at least, is the perspective of the federal Centers for Disease Control, which announced just in time for Feb. 14 worries about a new "super-gonorrhea" as well as millions of new cases of STDs that are costing taxpayers billions of dollars. And by the way, the feds are hinting strongly that children should be inoculated against human papillomavirus, which is sexually transmitted, even though the drug has been known to cause death. Cheery thoughts, huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The first cable news network wants to hear from post-abortive women. "As much as abortion gets debated politically, rarely do we read stories of women who have chosen to terminate a pregnancy," CNN posted on its iReport website. "We want to hear from anyone who has had first-hand experience with abortion. How difficult was the decision? How do you feel about it now? How did it change your life?" "Please send your submission by Feb. 15," it concluded. As of this writing, 117 videos, photos, and stories had been posted on the news channel's website, bearing the label "not vetted by CNN." Most express regret, sorrow, and the pain of lost parenthood. The negative reminisces overwhelmingly outnumber the positive.